
Houdini Lerp and Fit

lerp() and fit() are two functions you’ll use constantly. They let you remap linearly, great for interpolation and extrapolation.

If you’ve ever wondered how they work, look no further. I remade them on my After Effects Fun page, so let’s port them to VEX!

For a great resource on deriving them yourself, check out Simon and Freya’s videos!


Lerp takes two values and performs a weighted sum based on a factor.

For example to get halfway between two values, you’d add half of each:

0.5 * value1 + 0.5 * value2

To get 75% between two values, you’d add 1/4 of the first and 3/4 of the second:

0.25 * value1 + 0.75 * value2

Generalizing this gives the formula for lerp:

// Weighted sum
float lerp_diy(float value1; float value2; float amount) {
	return (1 - amount) * value1 + amount * value2;

Or the imprecise version, which is shorter but suffers from floating point error:

// Imprecise version
float lerp_diy(float value1; float value2; float amount) {
	return value1 + amount * (value2 - value1);


Inverse lerp takes a value and a range, then normalizes the value so it lies between 0 and 1.

Given a minimum and maximum, the range is max - min. To normalize a value we can divide it by the range.

float invlerp_diy(float value; float min; float max) {
	return (value - min) / (max - min);

It’s a handy shorthand for fit(value, min, max, 0, 1).


fit() is the combination of invlerp() and lerp().

It can interpolate but can’t extrapolate, because value is clamped between omin and omax.

float fit_diy(float value; float omin; float omax; float nmin; float nmax) {
	float normal = clamp((value - omin) / (omax - omin), 0, 1); // Inverse Lerp
	return (1 - normal) * nmin + normal * nmax; // Lerp
// Lerp version
float fit_diy(float value; float omin; float omax; float nmin; float nmax) {
	return lerp(nmin, nmax, clamp(invlerp(value, omin, omax), 0, 1));
// Imprecise version (rwaldron.github.io/proposal-math-extensions/#sec-math.scale)
float fit_diy(float value; float omin; float omax; float nmin; float nmax) {
	return (clamp(value, omin, omax) - omin) * (nmax - nmin) / (omax - omin) + nmin;


efit() is the same as fit(), except value isn’t clamped.

This means it can interpolate and extrapolate value outside of omin and omax.

float efit_diy(float value; float omin; float omax; float nmin; float nmax) {
	float normal = (value - omin) / (omax - omin); // Inverse Lerp
	return (1 - normal) * nmin + normal * nmax; // Lerp
// Lerp version
float efit_diy(float value; float omin; float omax; float nmin; float nmax) {
	return lerp(nmin, nmax, invlerp(value, omin, omax));
// Imprecise version (rwaldron.github.io/proposal-math-extensions/#sec-math.scale)
float efit_diy(float value; float omin; float omax; float nmin; float nmax) {
	return (value - omin) * (nmax - nmin) / (omax - omin) + nmin;


fit01() is the same as fit() except the range is hardcoded as 0 to 1. It’s the same as lerp() except value is clamped between 0 and 1.

float fit01_diy(float value; float nmin; float nmax) {
	float normal = clamp(value, 0, 1);
	return (1 - normal) * nmin + normal * nmax; // Lerp
// Lerp version
float fit01_diy(float value; float nmin; float nmax) {
	return lerp(nmin, nmax, clamp(value, 0, 1));
// Imprecise version
float fit01_diy(float value; float nmin; float nmax) {
	return nmin + clamp(value, 0, 1) * (nmax - nmin);


fit01() is the same as fit() except the range is hardcoded as 1 to 0.

float fit10_diy(float value; float nmin; float nmax) {
	float normal = clamp(1 - value, 0, 1);
	return (1 - normal) * nmin + normal * nmax; // Lerp
// Lerp version
float fit10_diy(float value; float nmin; float nmax) {
	return lerp(nmin, nmax, clamp(1 - value, 0, 1));
// Imprecise version
float fit10_diy(float value; float nmin; float nmax) {
	return nmin + clamp(1 - value, 0, 1) * (nmax - nmin);


fit11() is the same as fit() except the range is hardcoded as -1 to 1.

float fit11_diy(float value; float nmin; float nmax) {
	float normal = clamp(value * 0.5 + 0.5, 0, 1);
	return (1 - normal) * nmin + normal * nmax; // Lerp
// Lerp version
float fit11_diy(float value; float nmin; float nmax) {
	return lerp(nmin, nmax, clamp(value * 0.5 + 0.5, 0, 1));
// Imprecise version
float fit11_diy(float value; float nmin; float nmax) {
	return nmin + clamp(value * 0.5 + 0.5, 0, 1) * (nmax - nmin);